Marit Stiles MPP for Davenport

Government of Ontario

Protect Portuguese-language mental health program from closing - Stiles

Published on March 16, 2021

The closure of a unique, Portuguese-language community mental health program run out of Toronto Western Hospital has prompted a letter from Davenport MPP Marit Stiles to the Health Minister, calling for action.

The only one of its kind serving Portuguese-speaking patients in the GTA, the mental health and addictions program serves thousands.

MPP Stiles raised her concerns about Portuguese-speaking patients losing mental health and addictions treatment services in their own language:

 "Without the ability to communicate with someone in their own language – in this case Portuguese – I am concerned that too many individuals will see their mental health worsen and the cost to our community, to the healthcare system and of course, those in need themselves, will grow. 

She urged the Minister to ensure that the Portuguese Mental Health Clinic is funded and operational, and to find another location for the clinic if the University Health Network is unable to accommodate it.

Read the letter here.