Marit Stiles MPP for Davenport

Government of Ontario

Proof of vaccination: What you need to know

Published on September 17, 2021

On September 22, proof of vaccination (two doses plus 14 days) will be required for entry into certain non-essential indoor spaces deemed to be high-risk for transmission of COVID-19, including restaurants, bars, gyms and theatres.

Both proof of identity along with proof of vaccination will be required. Unfortunately, the delay in the government’s decision to implement this long-called-for public health measure means that a simple, QR-code based app or card will not be available until October 22.

Here’s how you can prove your immunization status in the meantime:

In advance of September 22, all Ontarians can print or download their vaccination receipt from the provincial booking portal. The Ministry says it is working on additional supports and services to assist Ontario residents who need help obtaining proof of vaccination, including requesting a copy be sent by mail. Those who need support obtaining a copy of their vaccination receipt including those who do not have access to a computer or printer can call the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre at 1-833-943-3900.

If you are having difficulty accessing or printing your vaccination receipt please contact my office and we'll do what we can to assist: 416-535-3158

The government has provided new guidance for businesses but I have heard from local BIAs and individual businesses that still have outstanding questions about enforcement and implementation of the certificate program. My staff and I are working to get answers to these outstanding questions from the government. 

More information:

New Requirement for Proof of Vaccination in Certain Settings:

Get vaccinated: 

Book a vaccine at a mass-vaccination clinic, a pharmacy or pop-up clinic. Learn more at: