Marit Stiles MPP for Davenport

Government of Ontario

Volunteer opportunities

City-wide organisations that are looking for volunteer support.

In addition to starting or joining a neighbourhood pod or mutual aid group or network, there are many other ways to help out at this difficult time. 

  • Spark Ontario and Volunteer Toronto are coordinating connections between  organizations that need support and volunteers available to help out (including supporting remotely). Sign up at and
  • Canadian Blood Services are looking for donors to avoid shortages due to social distancing.
  • Kids Help Phone is looking for volunteers to staff their crisis text line.
  • Chinese Canadian National Council is seeking volunteers for their mutual aid program, to support immigrant workers struggling with the effects of COVID19
  • UofT Moriarty Lab is looking for scientists, Senior PhD students, and Post-Doctoral Fellows to volunteer for COVID-19-related research. Also looking for those willing to fill gaps anywhere whether scientific or non-scientific.
  • Toronto Bike Brigade - A group of volunteers on bikes ready to deliver supplies and friendship to vulnerable people on behalf of community organizations or individuals in need. 
  • This collaborative community document lists many more Toronto-based groups, initiatives, and ideas for how we can support each other in this difficult time.